This trip took place in June 2021.
NC MX-5 Added to the Fleet!
For years R Theory has been developing parts for the NA/NB chassis; using our own cars and local customer cars to test fit our parts and ensure compatibility with various different model years and configurations. We figured it was finally time to expand even further and pick up another car to add to the development fleet. We were stuck between getting an FRS/BRZ or getting an NC MX-5. We figured might as well keep it in the Miata family so we picked up a 2010 NC MX-5 for development!
The search for a new development car was quite ambitious. NC’s that lined up with our requirements (rust free, in good shape, GS or GT model w/ 6 speed and LSD) usually sold quick unless they were over priced. There was one NC out in Calgary that I felt was calling. It seemed to exceed our requirements and it was and NC2 priced similar to an NC1, but for some reason it didn’t sell for weeks. Calgary was quite a ways away from where we are located near Toronto. After what seemed like a couple weeks of sending pics and videos, and negotiation, a deposit was sent to the owner of this grey PRHT 2010 NC2 and a one way plane ticket to Calgary was purchased.
Quick 4 hour hop into the mountains!
After landing, I met up with the owner and checked out the car. The condition was exactly how he described it. He even had the courtesy to fill up the gas tank and give it a fresh wash, much thanks to the previous owner Al! A temporary vehicle permit was registered and I set out on the long 1 week journey back to R Theory HQ.
Before heading east to get home, I decided to spend a couple of days in the mountains. Calgary is right at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, a vast and beautiful stretch of mountains that runs along western Canada and into the western United States. It would be silly of me to not explore it before heading back to flat and mundane Toronto!
Exploring the mountains was a good decision if you ask me!
Day 1 stretch, deep into the heart of the mountains.
I headed west to visit the world famous Lake Louise. I left Calgary’s beautiful pristine weather and headed into the mountains. The further into the mountains I got the rainier it got that day. I stopped by Lake Louise’s parking lot but didn’t get out of the car. It was too rainy to enjoy, so I kept heading west knowing I’ll come back tomorrow when the rain has passed. I kept going and passed the border of Alberta/British Colombia. I ended up staying the night in a sleepy town called Golden, 265 km (165mi) and roughly 3-4 hours away from Calgary.
Quick stop to enjoy the view! Check out that JDM imported Mitsubishi van to the right!
Moments before the quick stop picture, I actually got pulled over. I legally had my temporary permit displayed on my windshield, but because I only had a temporary permit that meant I had no license plate which attracted the attention of a kind RCMP officer. Once I showed her my temporary vehicle permit she set me on my way and I was back to exploring the mountains in a few minutes.
The view from Golden, B.C. in the morning. Wouldn’t mind waking up to this every day.
After spending the night in Golden, I committed the entire next day to heading back east to explore Lake Louise and other spots in Banff National park.
Quick stop on the way to Banff. There’s an NC / boat joke in here somewhere.
NC2 (2009-2012) is my favorite NC front end. What’s yours?
Arrived at Lake Louise a few hours after leaving Golden, B.C. Ended up going for a surreal 5-6 hour hike. Here’s a few pics of the scenery!
Rest stop at the top of Highwood Pass. 2206 meters / 7237 feet in elevation.
First stretch of heading east after driving Highwood Pass. Google said 8.5 hours, seemed more like 10+ hours. Everything taking longer than expected was a re-occurring theme on this trip.
Headed further east the next day and made a quick stop at the Centre of Canada. Yes we Canadians spell centre in a weird way.
Stuck in the middle with you.
The rest of the trip was just me rushing to get home ASAP and trying not to do anything risky. I was constantly paranoid about deer and moose, and trying to get to the next city to have a place to sleep before night fall. Locals constantly warned against driving the twisty 1 lane highways at night due to wild life running across the road. It would be very bad to hit a large moose in a tiny MX-5 that was just bought! One night I actually didn’t make it to my destination city before it got dark, so I ended up sleeping in the car along side tractor trailers at a rest stop. Luckily that was the last night and the next night was spent in my own bed.
Anyways, that was a fun car buying experience. Check out the NC Parts that we currently offer by clicking here!